LTEC 5210 Week 2: Analysis & Design Reflection

Part I:

What have you learned from the analysis? What are you planning to do with it? Activities to include? 

The analysis finding report was helpful in evaluating the bottom line of the problem of the original lesson, as well as helping both the instructor and myself grasp a better understanding of what is important for the lesson and what can be left out in order to achieve the larger goals and specific learning objectives. In “A Look Inside” by Warren, Stein, Dondlinger and Barab, it is suggested that teacher training is a vital part of any student lesson. Instructors should attempt the lesson before their learners so they may evaluate and re-design any portions of the activities to accommodate for limited time, resources, or environment.

The analysis report helps the trainer or instructor know where they are going. It gives a clear and concise written picture of the overall lesson plan. While working through the design document, I referenced the analysis several times to go back to the original goals and objectives. I’ve found that in referring back to the analysis it provides allowances and changes can be made to the original objectives so they are more specific, observable and measurable.

Going back and forth between the analysis report and the design document allows for brainstorming time to find the best activities to fit with the learner objectives. In order for the learners to be successful in learning the information and processes, they must go through the processes themselves and be able to show they have learned the information. In addition, producing an end product and creating a reflection of their learning will ensure that the instructor can assess their learning throughout the entire week’s activities.

Part II: 

How are analysis and design related for you? Think about it in the context the articles and chapters we have read thus far. How closely should these two pieces of the model connect? How does the Information R/Evolution video affect each of these?

Analysis and design go hand-in-hand. They work together and work off of each other. While the design document is more specific with learning objectives, activities and time, the analysis is the foundation of the design. Romiszowki says “Training is a tightly fenced path to a predetermined goal. Education is to wander freely to the left or right of the path” (Romiszowski 1981). The idea for the information literacy lesson is to give the instructor or trainer the specific path to the specific goals and objectives. As the learner works through each activity and is assessed on their learning, the lesson should also allow for moments of education with the learner being able to freely move to the right or left of the path with the facilitator there to ensure they end up at the same destination as intended.

The video, Information Revolution, does a great job illustrating how information started off as being logical, in categories and in specific places, like physical libraries. Wesch goes on to show how the digital revolution has changes how information is being accessed. Digital information is different in that there are no shelves and many times no categories (Wesch 2007). The information explosion prompted almost everything to fall under the miscellaneous category.

The ideas in Information Revolution support the idea stated above by Romiszowski. The analysis and design documents are very specific and do not allow much room for the learner to wander off and educate themselves based on their own learning goals even though, for the educators/trainers the documents must be specific in activity and objective. However, in the process of researching, evaluating and curating valid information and articles it is inevitable that the learner will find themselves off the strictly fenced path laid out for them.


Romiszowski, A. (1981). Instruction, Instructional Systems and the Systems Approach. Retrieved from

Warren, Stein, Dondlinger, & Barab. (2009). A Look Inside Instructional Design. Retrieved from

Wesch, M. (2007). Information R/evolution. Retrieved from


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